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Ensuring Safe Playtime with Your Pets

Ensuring Safe Playtime with Your Pets

Playing with your pets is a great way to reinforce training, strengthen your bond, and incorporate exercise into your daily routine. However, similar to small children, your dog can be at risk of getting hurt if not properly supervised. Not all dogs are great swimmers, and not all pools are dog-friendly.

Pet Pool Safety Tips

  1. Supervision: Never leave your pet unattended around a pool. This can be very dangerous.
  2. Life Jackets: If your dog isn’t a strong swimmer, invest in a life jacket. This improves buoyancy, keeps small dogs visible, and adds an extra layer of safety.
  3. Assume Nothing: Never assume all dogs can swim. Some need training, some are naturals, and for others, it’s nearly impossible.
  4. Recognize Their Ability: Identify if your dog is a strong swimmer or needs assistance. Take proper precautions to guarantee its health and safety, avoiding potential drowning.

Additional Considerations

  • Older Dogs and Injuries: Older dogs or those with injuries like arthritis should wear vests to aid in buoyancy.
  • Chlorine Irritation: Chlorine can irritate pets’ eyes and skin. Rinse your dog with fresh water after swimming to avoid skin irritation and protect your home from damage.
  • Avoid Drinking Pool Water: Discourage your dog from drinking pool water as it can lead to health problems like dry mouth or gastric distress due to chlorine and other chemicals.

Natural Water Bodies

  • Ponds, Rivers, and Lakes: Although these might seem safer, they can still pose risks. Parasites in natural water can cause gastrointestinal issues that may affect other family members.
  • Avoiding Hazards: Keep an eye on your dog to prevent them from consuming pond, puddle, or lake water and picking up harmful objects like dead fish or broken glass.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. I hope you found it helpful whether you own a dog or are considering it. I thought I’d share a few of the dog products I love which you might find really useful too.

Essentially, when it comes to pet safety around swimming pools, they are a lot like people. So before you make a big splash with your pet this season, keep these things in mind to ensure that everyone in your family has a safe, and exciting summer.

Not all dogs are great swimmers and not all pools are considered dog friendly.”

Pet Pool Safety Tips

  1. Supervision:

    • Never leave your pet unattended around a pool. This can lead to very dangerous situations.
  2. Life Jackets:

    • If your dog isn’t a strong swimmer, invest in a life jacket to improve buoyancy.
    • This keeps small dogs more visible and provides extra safety.
  3. Swimming Abilities:

    • Don’t assume all dogs can swim. Some need training, some are naturals, and others find it nearly impossible.
    • Identify which category your dog falls into early and take proper precautions to ensure their safety and prevent drowning.
  4. Special Considerations:

    • Older dogs or those with injuries like arthritis should wear a vest for added safety.
  5. Proper Introduction:

    • Dogs need to be introduced to water properly before they can enjoy it.
  6. Chlorine Irritation:

    • Chlorine can easily irritate pets’ eyes and skin, so it’s important to be cautious.

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